
Documentation for MQTT-GaragePi

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Documentation for GaragePi Setup


I found this setup that was posted by Renjith Nair using MQTT and Home Assistant , but found the instructions listed either made assumptions on how to do something or have changed with newer releases of software. Below are the steps I took to create my GaragePi and get it working with Home Assistant. I also modified it to work my garage door opener lights.

A little additional background. I have had a Garage_Pi setup for about 6 years using Andrew Shillday’s setup. However, I broke it a while back while trying to better secure it and trying to add some additional functionality. I didn’t have the time or knowledge to get it working at that time, so it has sat for about 6 months while I was working on other things. I recently setup Home Assistant, which got me thinking about the GaragePi again. And that’s where we are today.

I will not be going through the steps to do the initial setup of a Raspberry Pi as it is well documented on (installing and initial setup of Raspberry Pi OS).

Components in my setup

Setup Home Assistant


Install & Configure MQTT on Home Assistant


Raspberry Pi Configuration


Add MQTT Switches & Sensors in Home Assistant


Wire up the components
